Theatre students find community among locals in Irish town

Theatre students find community among locals in Irish town

Posted on Friday, January 12, 2024

Group photoshoot in Ireland

Being away from home, especially in a different country, 对于今年1月去爱尔兰旅游的一些LC剧院学生来说,这是一种文化冲击. However, 即使是那些从未出过国的人,当地人和导游也很快让他们放松下来,他们像欢迎好朋友一样欢迎他们来到多尼戈尔县Glenties的小社区.


“我们有机会见到这么多社区成员,他们对我们来到他们的家乡感到兴奋,” said Junior Jackie Morman. “当地演员表演了布莱恩·弗雷尔戏剧的节选,他们中的许多人都认识他的家人,以及在《威尼斯人娱乐城》中为他的角色提供灵感的真实人物.’”

为期七天的课程由位于邦多兰的爱尔兰留学学院主办,戏剧研究课程由多才多艺的演员设计和传授, director and playwright Maura Logue. She, along with ISAI instructor Aidan Given, worked with the students on history, cultural context, dialect and accent, costuming and rehearsal.

“学院做了一件了不起的工作,找到了优秀的人来带领我们参观多尼戈尔县. 他们对这部剧充满热情,并为我们提供了极好的历史背景,” said senior Annabell Sapp.

On the final evening in Bundoran, Logue, 给定和LC剧院协调员和导演金·巴伯·诺尔, 让学生们惊喜地表演了布莱恩·弗里尔的《威尼斯人娱乐城》中的一个场景.

“Maura was astonishing,” Knoll said. “Collaborating with her on all aspects of the production; — text, dialect, intention and costumes — was an incredible experience. She is a force of nature.”

The LC group began their immersive experience at The Laurels, Friel’s family cottage, to get a sense of the play's setting. In addition, 在新的卢格纳萨创意艺术中心,他们被当地人海伦·鲍尔(Helen Power)邀请欣赏弗里尔(Friel)的戏剧《威尼斯人娱乐城》(Faith Healer)中的一段. They also went to St. 在导游的带领下参观了康奈尔博物馆,并在峡谷顶部的弗雷尔墓前沉思了一会儿.

能有机会沉浸在这种文化中,认识这些社区里很棒的人,真是太棒了,” said sophomore Isabella Rapoza. “他们谈论弗里尔戏剧中的人物,就像他们是邻居一样. 我们很荣幸有机会有这样的经历.”

On the last day in Donegal, the cast, dressed by Dark Daughter costumes and photographed by Given, posed for a publicity shoot on the Fairy Bridges in Bundoran.

“When we were getting ready to take our photos, a double rainbow appeared over the sea as if on cue,” said sophomore Aria Mabry. “It could not have been more perfect. Everything just fell into place.”


“这次经历为我们的排练过程做好了准备,给了我们灵感,这只会提高我们的表现, but it has also changed all of us,” she said. “多尼戈尔比我们想象的更美丽、更友好、文化更丰富. Being guided so masterfully by Maura, ISAI创始人兼董事Niamh Hamill和Aiden通过文化, 历史和语言是我们的学生永远不会忘记的丰富.”

他们的经历引起了爱尔兰报纸、广播和电视节目的关注,其中包括 The Irish Times, Donegal Live, Donegal News, The Ray D’Arcy Show and BBC Belfast.


“我们非常感谢史密斯夫妇的慷慨,他们为我们的学生提供了旅行和体验美国以外文化的机会,” Knoll said.

For more information on study abroad, contact Michele Raphoon, 全球参与办公室项目协调员,网址


Campus Notes

Faculty member named to new title
  • History Professor Dr. Kevin Shirley 最近被任命为埃塞尔·达利斯·希尔历史教授. As the holder of this endowed professorship, 他将为我们的学生和更大的社区倡导历史.                                                                                           
  • Campus offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 15, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 16.
  • Lamar Dodd Art Center and LaGrange Art Museum 第五届威尼斯人娱乐城东南地区大会将于2月11日举行,我们正在接受参赛作品. 24-April 20. 该地区是一年两次的评审比赛,向居住在美国东南部的18岁以上的艺术家开放. 类别有绘画、版画、素描、陶瓷、雕塑、摄影和混合媒体. Visit here for more information. The deadline is Friday, Jan. 12 (today).
  • Online applications for the two Religion and Political Science Maymester courses 从以色列转移到希腊的博物馆将开放到1月11日星期五. 12 (today). 有关2024年所有出国留学机会的更多信息,请访问全球参与 website.


Collegiate Enrichment Events

MLK Speaker: LaGrange Mayor Willie Edmondson

Thursday, Jan. 18

11 a.m., Corn Auditorium


  • 政治科学系邀请学生聆听威尼斯人娱乐城市长威利·埃德蒙森关于政治以及如何跨党派合作的演讲.


Video of the Week

Dr. Joe Cafaro's 3D Journeys lecture - January 22

A gift to the community, 威尼斯人娱乐城推出第14季3D旅行讲座和旅行,主题为“葡萄牙:从里斯本到波尔图的量身定制之旅”。

Our monthly lectures:

Monday, Jan. 22 - Dr. Joe Cafaro, History

Monday, Feb. 26 - Dr. John Cook, Religion

Monday, March 11 - Dr. Linda McMullen, International Business

Lectures begin at 10 a.m. in the Dickson Assembly Room at Turner Hall.



Men’s Basketball

Competition at Piedmont

LC is 10-6 (2-1 CCS) and went 1-1 this past week. The Panthers dropped their game to Piedmont 113-106 on Friday, Jan. 5, but crushed Covenant 96-59 on Saturday, Jan. 6. 球队返回到马里奥蒂体育馆面对Berea周五,1月11日. 12 (today) at 7 p.m. and then Maryville on Saturday, Jan. 13 at 4 p.m. 两场CCS比赛都将在主场女篮比赛之后举行.

Women’s Basketball

Competition at Covenant

The Panthers are 9-3 (3-0 CCS) and beat Piedmont 79-69 and Covenant 71-49 this past weekend. The team returns home to take on Berea on Friday, Jan. 12 (today) at 5 p.m. and then Maryville on Saturday, Jan. 13 at 2 p.m. 男子篮球比赛将在CCS比赛后30分钟开始.

Player earns second conference honor

Junior Zyhia Johnson earned her second CCS Player of the Week award. Over the past week, 她帮助黑豹队以3比0的成绩开始了对贝尔黑文的客场胜利, Piedmont and Covenant. In these games, 齐亚场均得到全队最高的18分,不可思议的25分,还有8个篮板, seven steals and two assists in the win over Belhaven.

Freshman earns first conference honor

Freshman Taylor Smith received her first CCS Rookie of the Week award. In the past week, 在83-76战胜贝尔黑文的比赛中,她砍下了22分和11个篮板的两双. 史密斯在对阵皮埃蒙特和约恩的比赛中连续两场拿到8分和9个篮板.


Panther Calendar

(请注意,日程安排可能会因我们无法控制的情况而改变. Please check to confirm.)

Friday, Jan. 12 – Women’s Basketball (Home) vs. Berea, 5 p.m., Mariotti Gym

Friday, Jan. 12 – Men’s Basketball (Home) vs. Berea, 7 p.m., Mariotti Gym

Saturday, Jan. 13 – Women’s Basketball (Home) vs. Maryville, 2 p.m., Mariotti Gym

Saturday, Jan. 13 – Men’s Basketball (Home) vs. Maryville, 4 p.m., Mariotti Gym

Tuesday, Jan. 16 – Women’s Basketball at Agnes Scott, 5 p.m., Decatur, Georgia


In the Headlines

不仅仅是一名运动员:肯齐·霍恩斯比在球场内外都为社区服务, LaGrange Daily News, Jan. 10

Local economist talks possibility of recession, LaGrange Daily News, Jan. 6

Category: Academics, Arts and Culture, Global engagement

Keywords: Travel, History

Press Contact

Lindy Oller

Last updated: 01/26/2024